Accessible, customizable & space efficient
The private working space with huge design choice
Space is becoming more precious and the need for a workplace that’s accessible to all becomes more important, as current workplace designs often aren't equipped to support these growing needs. In today’s workspace, the majority of large meeting rooms are often occupied by just one or two people, who simply need somewhere they can shut the door on distractions and be assured of a private meeting space. Meet Portals Studio – this accessible and hugely customizable meeting booth is the space-efficient answer to those small meetings or private working requirements. Designed with accessibility in mind, Portals Studio not only has step-free access and an accessible door width, but the roomy internal dimensions ensure it can accommodate a wheelchair turning circle. Modular adaptability is inherent, allowing for quick adaptations of the space from single person private booths to collaborative meeting spaces. Plug-and-play, with integrated power and user-adjustable lighting and ventilation, Portals Studio is available in a huge range of cladding and upholstery finishes, to allow these modular meetings spaces to become an extension of your workplace design.

Meet Portals Studio – this accessible and hugely customizable meeting booth is the space-efficient answer to those small meetings or private working requirements.

Discover Portals Studio

Private Meeting Space With Huge Design Choice

User adjustable lighting & ventilation

Adjustable spotlights, as well as ventilation and airflow control.

60" turning circle

For greater accessibility and inclusivity

Step-free level access

Supporting inclusive design

Huge customization and design choice

Huge design choice with a plethora of fabrics and finishes

As part of the wider Portals Family, Portals Studio sits seamlessly alongside Portals Connect, our customizable video conferencing pod and Portals Quiet, a private working pod, so users can have the choice of a variety of work settings that are designed to work together.

Portals Open

Quick touchdown spaces for individual work

Portals Quiet

Focus working spaces with reduced speech intelligibility

Portals Huddle

Acoustically secluded collaboration space

Portals Connect

Private pod for an optimal video call experience

Portals Room

A highly customizable plug-and-play meeting space

Portals Studio

A space efficient meeting booth or single person workspace