You feel employees need their own personal storage space, you’re passionate about improving their workplace experience and see lockers as way to create an extension of your brand.


Do you go for an assigned 1:1 locker system or a shared system where lockers can be chosen on arrival and become available to anyone when not being used? This page is for you.


Immerse yourself in expert content to better understand the difference between shared and assigned lockers. 

What is the difference between assigned & shared?

Assigned locks are allocated to one employee who has sole use of that locker. The principal benefits of this system are that the locker is for one individual’s use meaning it can be used it for longer term storage. It also overcomes the difficulty of forgetting where the locker is (RFID locks do have the feature of finding locker location with the terminal solution) and remembering daily combination codes. The principal drawbacks of assigned locks are the cost of getting one for every employee and the wasted space when employees rarely use them due to working from home or out-on-the-road activities. Assigned lockers are ideal when catering for a small team who have a high and exclusive demand for individual storage space.   

Shared Locks

Shared locks are a flexible locker system which allows employees to claim any locker in a bank which is not already occupied and render it unavailable for others to use. The principal benefits of a shared locking system are that they take up less space and money because less are needed to meet the needs of a typically hybrid workforce. Other benefits include the enabling of greater employee autonomy around the choice of locker. For example, if the employee has a foldable bike to store one day they can use a larger locker, and then only a small bag another day, they can choose a smaller locker. The principal drawback is it often takes time and effort to establish the right ratio of lockers to staff, to prevent there being too many or too few.

What do I need to consider when choosing?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Let’s try to navigate a few key factors which will influence your choice between assigned and shared lockers. See our seven points of consideration before choosing your locker strategy.

Physical Space Constraints

If you have tight constraints on space, an ideal option is the shared locking strategy. However, this is only ideal if you have employees who are not always in the office or do not have a permanent high demand for lockers. If employees rarely work from home but you still have a tight space constraint, you may want to issue a survey to try to determine the locker demand and find the optimum number of lockers needed.  


Whilst assigned locks often appear more cost-effective, this is due to their lower price per lock up front. Assigned locks will only allow one user per locker and in some cases could result in a greater number of lockers having to be provided. The shared solution may be a more cost-effective option as it will enable you to provide a smaller number of lockers, but serve a wider range of employees, as they are no longer required to be one locker to one employee. 

Level of Demand





It is always beneficial to assess the demand for lockers. It may be that certain teams need them more than others or that smaller lockers are more popular. You may find that, whilst essential, less lockers will be used at one time than previously thought, and this will give you the opportunity to provide a mix of assigned and shared lockers.

In a survey of over 40,000 locker installations completed since March 2020, around 61% were assigned lockers and 39% were shared lockers.

Spacestor Locker Research, 2022

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