Spacestor Customizer to Revit Innovation
The Spacestor Customizer is an online configuration tool with which you can create your own unique furniture designs for cool and totally creative workspaces. It uses a cutting-edge interface to bring total control, for you to use for inspiration, to visualise, to demonstrate, to estimate, to make it happen – or just for fun.
Revit is an increasingly popular design program in the design community and has been for a number of years. Seeing this trend, we created standard Revit blocks for all our products, to allow designers easy access to the tools they need.
Revit is very information rich and whilst very useful can take a while to configure exactly what you need due to the complexity of large ‘families’ of products. So, using the easy-to-use interface of the Customizer, clients can configure exactly the configuration they want, simply download all CAD files and with this they get a fully customized Revit.
Once imported into the design file, it still retains all the information, and it can be customized further within Revit.
Watch our video to find out more about how this works:
This is a major breakthrough and a first in the industry, providing a huge advancement and time saving for designers, leaving them to get on and design the rest of the environment.
The Spacestor Customizer is available to use, where you can create your own unique designs with any of products here: https://spacestor.com/customizer/