Our Progress Towards Net Zero
Following significant research into Spacestor’s impact on the environment, in October 2022 we were pleased to pledge our commitment to Net Zero by 2040. As part of the Science Based Targets Initiative (STBI), our timeline (included below) will see us reach Net Zero 10 years ahead of the goal committed to in the Paris Agreement.
2030 – reduce our carbon intensity from across our operations (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 15%. Transition to 100% renewable energy.
2035 – reduce absolute emissions from our operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 50%. Transition to zero carbon supply and distribution.
2040 – achieve Net Zero emissions.
Since announcing our Net Zero by 2040 plans, we have continued to make positive steps in our sustainability journey and are excited to update you on where we are and the changes we’ve made so far!
Spacestor’s combined absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been reduced by 13.6% in line with our Target 2 (50% by 2035) due to a combination of energy efficiency savings and renewables.
We also looked closely at our energy consumption, with 39% of the overall electricity used by the group now sourced from renewable sources. Our relative emissions have also reduced, and the carbon efficiency of the business has increased by 15% relative to turnover meeting Target 1 (15% by 2030).
We hope publishing these specific goals and SBTI timeline will work to encourage and spur on other manufacturers to do the same. Combatting global warming and reducing greenhouse gases can only be done by working together, as an industry and as a community, energetically driving reduction in emissions and the recovery of our planet.
Reach out if you would like to learn more or join us on this journey.
Download out Carbon Emissions Report here!