World-Leading Software Provider

World-Leading Software Provider
IA Interior Architects' latest project for this World-Leading Software provider is a beautiful balance of calming interiors with smart design that reflects the atmosphere and buzz of their client's corporate culture.
Waterloo, Ontario
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IA Interior Architects

IA Interior Architects recently completed the Waterloo offices for a World-Leading Software provider. Using varying shades of blue throughout the open-plan design, they've created a calming and modern look for this brand new workspace.

A run of three of our Railway Carriages fills the side of the lobby. These create the perfect meeting space for informal, collaborative and social interactions. Their highly customizable nature meant that they were able to perfectly complement the blue-themed design.

Based right at the heart of Waterloo, Ontario, this stunning new space is a reflection of the dynamic urban center that surrounds it. Not only is it constantly voted one of the smartest cities but is well renowned for it's beautiful landscape.