A sociable, interactive space with an agile design offering a wide variety of smart working spaces suited to everyone's style.
When Heineken, the huge Dutch brewing company, decided to refurbish their UK headquarters, they had one main priority: that in the refresh layout, employees would be empowered to work exactly how they wanted to. So they hired workspace design specialists – and long-time collaborators of Spacestor – Peldon Rose, who decided to run a series of workshops in Heineken’s Great Titchfield Street premises and find out how the staff were using the space now, and how they would like to use it in the future.
The most important change, they discovered, was that the design should be more agile and should offer a wider variety of smart working spaces to suit different tasks, personality types and approaches; some things are best done out in the open, whereas others require a little more privacy. As such, Spacestor provided a run of matching Phonebooths for focused individual work, as well as 4-seater and 6-seater Railway Carriages for smaller groups to use; all upholstered in harmonious green Heineken tones of course. The result is a more sociable, interactive office in which every member of staff can find their happy places.