Spacestor - Net Zero by 2040
A timeline of science-based targets on our journey to Net Zero
As the environment becomes more and more important to clients all around the world, companies have become increasingly criticized for greenwashing. ‘Disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image’; the development of a façade, crafted entirely out of an attempt to enhance image, rather than the genuine desire to give back and improve the environment.
By all means, the term does not define every corporate’s attitude to the planet, but it is increasingly urgent that more genuinely concerned companies come on board and state where they stand in relation to carbon goals and sustainability.
So, is this a call to action? Is this a rallying cry? Perhaps. Having dipped into sustainability throughout our past, Spacestor brought out Environmental Management Certification, installed biomass boilers, and were issued multiple Declare Labels. Now, we are taking an industry-first, ground-breaking step and have made a pledge to be Net Zero by 2040.
As Consulting & Real Estate Services Leader for Gensler, Jacob Simons, observes – ‘Disingenuous CSR goals are the best way to stand out for the wrong reasons.’ It is true, and this also: that many smaller companies in the manufacturing industry shy away from publishing their environmental goals, in the risk that they will receive backlash for ‘greenwashing’. It is because of this, as well as a sincere care for the planet, that Spacestor have taken the time to thoroughly research our impact on the environment and consequently publish a timeline of science-based targets on our journey to Net Zero:
2030 – reduce our carbon intensity from across our operations (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 15%. Transition to 100% renewable energy.
2035 – reduce absolute emissions from our operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 50%. Transition to zero carbon supply and distribution.
2040 – achieve Net Zero emissions.
As part of the Science Based Targets Initiative (STBI), our timeline will see us reach Net Zero 10 years ahead of the goal committed to in the Paris Agreement. In a recent blog post we go over the meaning of the key words, so if you find yourself lost in the jargon – check it out.
Indeed, following this ambitious commitment, the future for us holds many changes! Developments in technological infrastructure, switches to greener electric sources, innovations to effect change company wide and beyond. The future will be challenging, but also uniquely rewarding to know that the small actions we make now, are contributing to a larger aim – to prevent the transition of the climate crisis into the climate catastrophe.
It is in the publishing of these specific goals and SBTI timeline that we hope to encourage and spur on other manufacturers to do the same. Combatting global warming and reducing greenhouse gases can only be done by working together, as an industry and as a community, energetically driving reduction in emissions and the recovery of our planet.