You know employees need their own personal storage space, you’re passionate about improving their workplace experience and see lockers as way to create an extension of your brand.
But you’re swimming in a sea of locks with little idea about which one will best fit your desired experience, aesthetic, and budget. This page is for you. Immerse yourself in expert content that will enable you to choose the best locking strategy for your needs.
Lock options can be split into 3 categories: Mechanical, Digital and RFID.
Shared Lockers allows for a flexible locker system where employees can claim any locker in a bank which is not already occupied and render it unavailable for others to use. The benefits of choosing a shared locking strategy include extra flexibility, enhanced experience and savings on space and money.
Shared Lockers add an extra flexibility to the storage solution as employees can choose a locker which is suited to their needs that day. For example, if the employee has a foldable bike to store one day they can use a larger locker, and then only a small bag another day, they can choose a smaller locker.
Employee’s experience will be enhanced as shared lockers offers maximum efficiency and convenience, with no need to remember keys or codes.
The locking strategy also means saving money and space, especially in a hybrid work environment. With not all the workforce in the office every day, the number of lockers provided can be reduced, therefore reducing the cost and physical space taken, as the shared system expertly assists with selecting a locker suited to employee needs.
Whatever your needs, it is possible to find a lock that supports your strategy and resources. Critically, you should know that there is no right lock to choose so let's discuss a few key factors which will influence your decision.
Physical space constraints: if you have tight constraints on space, an ideal option is the ‘unassigned' locking strategy. However, this is only ideal if you have employees who are not always in the office or do not have a permanent high demand for lockers.
Budget: Mechanical locks are the least demanding monetarily however, you may feel that the time and bother caused over lost keys and the lower quality employee experience is more of a cost than the initial investment.
Level of demand: It is always beneficial to assess the demand for lockers. It may be that certain teams need them more than others or that smaller lockers are more popular. You may find that, whilst essential, less lockers will be used at one time that you previously thoughts, and this was give you the opportunity to go for more quality RFID locks, but less lockers. See our 7 points of consideration before choosing your locker strategy.
Interested to know more about the difference between our locking strategies? Submit your details below and we'll be in touch to discuss.